Project Management, Outreach & Professional Service
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

APECS is an international and interdisciplinary organization for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, early career faculty members, early career professionals, educators and others with interests in the polar, alpine and the wider cryosphere regions. goals include creating opportunities for the development of innovative, international, and interdisciplinary collaborations among current early career polar researchers as well as recruiting, retaining and promoting the next generation of polar enthusiasts.
I was a member of the APECS Council from 2015-2020, which has goals of creating a network of early career professionals, professional development, and promoting education and outreach. While completing my undergraduate thesis on a global study of volcanoes, I often dealt with the effects of high altitude, snow, and ice sheets in my satellite imagery. Somewhere along the way, I stumbled across APECS, which has been a great community to learn and engage with. Even though I am now focused on astronomy, there are still numerous obervatories and projects that use Antartica as a base for operations and I remain involved in the polar community through SCAR AAA (more below). I was the 2019-2020 and have served as Vice President, Council Co-Chair, and contributed or developed the following tasks:
- Editor & Writer of the 2021-2025 APECS Strategic Plan
- Interviewer/Reviewer for Council candidates & fellowship applications
- Project Manager & Advisor for Polar Weeks, Non-Academic Careers & others
- Organizing Chair of the 2018 APECS World Summit Workshop
- Chairing & organization of bi-monthly meetings
- Data Policy updates in accordance with EU regulations
- Development of leadership position guides at all levels
- 2015-2016 APECS Final Report writer
- Development of National Crisis Protocol guidelines
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) is a part of the International Science Council and is responsible for initiating, coordinating, and developing internatinal scientific research in the Anatarctic region. Additionally, it provides independent advice for the Antarctic Treaty, which establishes the freedom of the continent. SCAR is composed of scientific groups and themes; I am currently a Steering Committee member of Astronomy & Astrophysics from Antarctica SCAR AAA.
- Undergraduate Astronomy Laboratory
While completing my Msc at Cal State Los Angeles, I was a Teaching Associate for more than 150 students for the Astronomy Laboratory section which involved exercises with lenses, prisms, constellation charts, 12" telescopes, and a trip to Griffith Observatory. During my first year, I received the Freida Stahl Fellowship for Outstanding Teaching.
I have served as a mentor to incoming graduate students in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at KU to help them transition to graduate student life, Lawrence, and navigate their first year. Recently, I developed surveys to be taken by both the mentees and mentors to help better serve matches and interactions. Additionally, there will be several sessions during the first year lecture PHSX 715 where senior graduate students discuss processes such as the comprehensive exam, course requirments, and other aspects of the program with new students.
Graduate Certificate in Technical Management

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Teaching & Mentorship
Cal State Los Angeles
Peer Mentorship